Find Ter Scott on LinkedIn and Get Chance to Win Internet Marketing Retreat Center...

If you are one of my LinkedIn contacts, you find out about things like this first, before I share it anywhere else. 

If you are not yet a LinkedIn contact, sign up here. 
Or do a search for me, "Ter Scott" on 

OK, now this is what I recently presented to my (currently over; and growing list of ) 1,000 LinkedIn contacts. Since you are here, regardless how you found this site, (congrats by the way) you need to take action and try to win this contest.

As I mentioned to my LinkedIn followers, if you don't even have any interest in learning about Internet Marketing, you need to register anyway because if you win, you can sell or give it away to someone who is!!!

Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas and Congratulations all in one!!!

So to enter Tom Antion's Contest... CLICK HERE. 


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Ter Scott wants to help you where you're at in life to get you from where you are to where you want to go.

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