You show me your LinkedIn and I'll show you mine.

Ever notice how you have a lot of contacts on LinkedIn but no business? Let's change that and actually help one another. 

As the Bricks to Clicks Marketing Consultant™ and the Life & Legacy Coach™ I have the experience and access to resources that you don’t have, and you have the experience and sources that I don't. However, we can’t help each other if we don’t know what each other has and don’t communicate except for the occasional posts displayed on LinkedIn. It’s great inspiration but beyond that, are you and I profiting monetarily or otherwise?

Let’s change that.

I’ve “invented” what I call “Virtual Coffees”. This is a one on one conference call where we speak to each other online and can do a screen share of our materials explaining our services. Half the time is spent with you explaining what you do and offer and the other half I present what I do and offer. There is no obligation to purchase or continue with each other but it is a real way of communicating and finally helping each other and our business.
After our time together we can email each other our materials and from this we can refer each other business, do business together if applicable and keep connected in a more tangible way.

I have business clients all over the USA (and the world) and I can show you how too. Contact me today and let's do a Virtual Coffee. (If my calendar is filled this month, no worries. We'll set something for next month). 

If interested, email me and use “Virtual Coffee” in the subject line and I will reply with instructions, links and available dates and times.

Make it a great day!

Ter Scott!
Bricks and Clicks Marketing Consultant™

Life & Legacy Coach™ 

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